browse my ring slings!

I will begin by saying at first, I was a complete skeptic of the ring sling.  Until I learned how to properly use one, wear one, and position my baby in one.  Now, I'm a believer. 

Ring slings are great for all body types - short torso, longer torso, large chest or small chest.  I have found other types of slings and baby carriers to put undue pressure on my back and feel heavy, as I am short and, well, busty.

I keep mine folded up in my bag for all kinds of situations - carrying my little girl while pushing my 3.5 year old in the grocery cart, carrying her in and out of my son's preschool (stopping to help him wash his hands can be daunting with a infant seat or stroller!), or even when you buy too much at the outlet mall and need room in the stroller for all the great deals (true story.  sad, but true). 

My slings will fit you perfectly.  Unlike other slings I have purchased and seen, the tail end of my slings are shorter, thus making them less bulky and not to have so much fabric hanging off the front. 

I choose all my fabrics with the best of intentions in mind - lightweight, washable, wearable, and adorable.  I love custom requests and will find the perfect match for you.  Custom ring colors are available upon request, as well. 

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